A Writing Conversation:
Welcome Caroline Arnold and everyone else to A Writing Conversation Episode 6. Today we are interviewing Caroline Arnold, a successful children’s book author and illustrator. Since she began writing in 1980, Caroline has written and/or illustrated over 170 books on all different topics; mainly nonfiction with a few fiction books thrown in on the side. She is a masterful paper collagist which is shown off in some of her works such as A Day and Night in the Forest. One of her latest books, Keeper of the Light: Juliet Fish Nichols Fights the San Francisco Fog tells the story of a woman lighthouse keeper that warns ships: even during the aftermath of the 1906 earthquake. I first met Caroline when she spoke at Bridgeville School many years ago. Bridgeville Elementary School was lucky enough to host Caroline during the Humboldt County Children's Author Festival not once, but twice! Caroline and I renewed our acquaintance during the 2017 & 2019 Humboldt County Children's Author Festivals. I was fortunate to hear her speak at Cuddeback School October of 2022. I appreciate Caroline taking time to answer a few questions about the writing process for us; so, let us begin.
Virginia: It was good to see you again, I enjoyed your presentation at Cuddeback School.
Caroline: It was so nice seeing you again at Cuddeback School and the Festival. Thanks for buying KEEPER OF THE LIGHT. Picture book biographies are a new direction for me. I have fond memories of both of my visits to Bridgeville. I'm still using the Wiggle and Waggle puppets that were given to me at my first visit!
Virginia: I think Corrine Fearrien was responsible for those puppets. The kids certainly enjoyed your visits. For young people thinking about becoming writers, would you say that it takes a lot of passion?
Caroline: I don’t know about the passion, but it takes a lot of work. After a lot of work, usually years, there is a deep satisfaction at the end of a project, holding the published book.
Virginia: Where do you get your ideas?
Caroline: I get ideas from every aspect of my life, sometimes the worms in my backyard, sometimes looking out at a lake. My newest book, Keeper of the Light, was born out of a trip to Angel Island in San Francisco Bay.
Virginia: Do you have any advice for novice writers?
Caroline: Practice, practice, practice. Writing is a bit like baseball. The more you practice the better you get. Soon you will be hitting the ball out of park.
Virginia: Great Advice Caroline. Thanks again for sharing your thoughts with us and taking time out of your schedule for this flash interview. If people want to find out more about what Caroline has written or her current projects, you can visit her website at https://www.carolinearnoldbooks.com/. Or if you want to know more about her art, friends, and travels you can check out her blog at https://carolinearnoldart.blogspot.com/. Enjoy the day!