A Writing Conversation:

Welcome Kelly Milner Halls and everyone else to A Writing Conversation Episode 13 (just in time for Halloween). Today we are interviewing Kelly Milner Halls, a writer who enjoys promoting critical thinking skills through the Wonders of Weird.  She has written books about mummies, albino animals,  Sasquatch, and tigers; just to name a few.

Our conversation begins…

Virginia: I enjoy the topics you choose to write about. I know my brother is enjoying the book you wrote about Sasquatch.  It must be difficult researching your books and interviewing people about topics that are sometimes controversial.

Kelly: Because I write about topics that can be mysterious -- Sasquatch, aliens, dinosaurs, mummies -- I do my best to collect the most credible evidence I can find across the spectrum of possibilities.  My job is to help the reader explore the potential, so I try hard to be as trustworthy as possible ... especially when writing for young readers.  Kids are, quite literally, the future of the world.  So, I owe it to them to present both sides whenever possible.  When they weigh the best evidence I can find, they learn to exercise their critical thinking skills.  And where critical thinking thrives, almost anything is possible.

Virginia: Awesome, Kelly. Anything that supports critical thinking is a bright spot in the world!  I'm really looking forward to your book: Death Eaters: The Science of Decomposition coming out in Fall 2018.  Finally some Death Eaters I can feel good about!  Thanks again, Kelly, for answering my question and thanks to everyone else for joining in! You can find out more about Kelly and her books at http://www.wondersofweird.com/.  You can find out more about Death Eaters: The Science of Decomposition at http://www.wondersofweird.com/death-eaters.html.  And if you want to be amazed by all the awards Kelly has won, feel free to visit http://www.wondersofweird.com/awards-and-honors.html. Enjoy the Day!


October 16, 2017